On 21 Oct 2019, at 09:23, Zarek Cockar zarekcockar@gmail.com [kenyabirdsnet] <kenyabirdsnet-noreply@yahoogroups.com> wrote:Hi Don,Interestingly enough, a fair number of people use iNaturalist for birds, only posting what they can photograph, without also making a list on eBird or BirdLasser. iNat is a great platform for other forms of life, but I find it rather ineffective for birds, unless it's being used in conjunction with another platform.Sidney, perhaps you should get in touch with some of the Baringo bird guides, like Joseph Aengwo and Wilson Tiren and ask them to keep an eye out for Masked Shrike, and to be sure to report it when they see it. Are either of them registered with the KBM?Thanks,ZarekOn Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 9:19 AM Don Turner don@originsafaris.info [kenyabirdsnet] <kenyabirdsnet-noreply@yahoogroups.com> wrote:Well done Sydney. What an obscure way of reporting it.
Looks like the first record since the early 1990’s, and the first for Meru NP.
Terry used to see them almost annually at Baringo when he was there. Pity there is no-one there now.
Don Turner--Zarek Cockar
P.O. Box 63838 – 00619
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 0735046262
Skype: zarek.cockar