From: Stratton Hatfield <>
Date: 2019-09-01 20:32
Subject: July & August Mara Sightings

Dear all,

Here are a few interesting records from the Mara from July/August.

July 30th –A leucistic Lappet-faced Vulture was seen near Black Rocks just north of the Sand River in the MMNR. See the attached photo. This individual was seen earlier this year in Naboisho Conservancy. A family of Mountain Kestrels was seen on their breeding cliff in Olderkesi Conservancy.

July 31st – A singing Red-capped Robinchat was seen at Cottars 1920s in Olderkesi.

August 1st – A Eurasian Hoopoe was seen in the SE corner of the MMNR. See the attached photo. This bird was seen following an African Hoopoe around. They looked and acted like a pair. A pair of White-naped Ravens was seen feeding on a Wildebeest carcass close to Makaria Forest. See the attached photo.

August 6th – An adult male Blue Swallow was seen in the Mara Triangle feeding close to the salt lick area. A pair of Pearl-spotted Owlets was found calling close to the Maji ya Ndege campsite in the Mara Triangle. I rarely see this species in the Mara.  At least 6 Marsh Owls were seen quartering the grasslands in the late evening by Serena in the Mara Triangle. See the attached picture.

August 7th – An African Crake was flushed from wet grassland close to the Ngiro-are Ranger base in the Mara Triangle. A pair of Black-headed Gonoleks was heard duetting along the stream by the Ngiro-are Ranger Base. I think there are multiple pairs of Gonoleks resident in this area of the Mara.

August 5th – 8th - While driving grass tracks in the Mara Triangle I noted lots of Black Coucals, Black-backed Cisticolas, Broad-tailed Warblers and Red-winged Francolins. Seems the late rains really helped these species.

August 13th – Three African Cuckoo-hawks (2 juveniles and 1 adult) were seen in Lemek Conservancy. The juveniles were feeding together like harriers out in the grassland. It was fascinating to watch them. See some attached pictures. An adult Shikra was seen in Lemek Conservancy. I rarely see this species in the Mara. Multiple pairs of Lizard Buzzards were seen and heard in Lemek Conservancy.

August 15th – The first big flocks of Caspian Plovers were seen out on the short grass plains in Naboisho Conservancy. Great to have them back!

Good birding,
