From: Sidney Shema <>
Date: 2019-06-12 09:52
Subject: NNP highlights - Sunday 9th June

Dear birders,

On Sunday, I was in Nairobi National Park with Jagi Gakunju and a couple of other friends for the bi-monthly game count. As always, we took the opportunity to do some bird atlassing along the way as well. The park was wet and it drizzled intermittently all day but the birding was fantastic! Some highlights included:
We ended the day with 116 species, having managed Full Protocol cards for 3 pentads and an Ad Hoc card for one pentad. This was without visiting Hyena Dam, the Hippo Pools trail, Kingfisher PS or the Kisembe Forest. Of mammals, plains game were mainly in the southern section of the park. Wildebeest seem to be outside the park right now, with only a handful in the park. We saw several Black-backed Jackal pairs and all were actively hunting rodents, indicating there are many in the grass at the moment (hence the influx of Black-shouldered Kites). Someone else saw a Leopard near the Clubhouse and a Cheetah near Nagolomon.


Sidney Shema
Project Manager, Kenya Bird Map

Mobile: +254738290842

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