From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2019-05-13 09:34

Thanks very much for this Patrick,
I have a photograph of what likes Lygodactylus capensis that was on
our garden gate, I can try and locate it for you if you wish. A
atricollis is widespread and common in NNP and we have them in our
The chameleon seems to be the first from actually inside NNP, though
recorded from the immediate surrounds both above (Carnivore) and below
the Park (Emakoko, Ololo both south of the river).
Very best

On 5/12/19, Patrick K. Malonza <> wrote:
> Thanks Brian  for this record. It's expected as they are also present in
> Mlolongo  area which is not far from NNP.  Here they are sympatric
> Lygodactylus  cf capensis,  Hemidactylus angulatus and H. mabouia,
> Acanthocercus atricollis minutus just to a few.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>   On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 11:06, Brian Finch<> wrote:
> Dear All,
> In the last report for NNP, I mentioned that we had found a pair of
> Side-striped Chameleons Trioceros bitaeniatus on the Ololo track, it
> was a new reptile in the Park for me, and I had never actually heard
> of them being found in NNP before. There were so many birds on the
> montage and not enough room for the chameleons! Here are images on
> abundantly flowering Asparagus racemosus,
> Best to all
> Brian