From: Shailesh Kumar Patel <>
Date: 2019-01-30 16:45
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Butterflies of Kenya


First of all, thank you to everyone for helping me out for butterflies id and the link.

Brian, you are correct it is Anthene indefinita. But now it is called Ukerewe Ciliate Blue (A.ukerewensis). I got in touch with Steve Collins one of the author's to pocket guide of butterflies of East Africa.



On Wednesday, 23 January 2019, 9:34, "Brian Finch [kenyabirdsnet]" <> wrote:

Hi Shailesh,
The genus Anthene (hairtails because most have six projections on the
rear of the hindwing) are a difficult group, at a glance it looks like
you have A indefinita female above and male below,
Best for now

On 1/22/19, Colin Jackson [kenyabirdsnet]
<> wrote:
> Hi Shailesh!
> GREAT to hear you've been photographing butterflies!
> The very BEST thing to do with your images is to upload them to the
> Virtual Museum - a sister project to the Kenya Bird Map and the data for
> which is openly shared with anyone who wants to use it. The Lepidoptera
> Society for Africa (LepSoc), uses the VM as a basis for depositing
> 'specimens' (in the form of a digital image) and there are recognised
> experts who go through and identify photographs that people submit for
> them.
> This way your images are going to be kept for ever as an historical
> record of that species at that place and time and will contribute to
> building up our knowledge of butterfly distribution and status.
> If you need help in how to upload, there are help documents on the site.
> It's a bit slow to start with, but once you're used to it, it's very
> straight forward.
> Best,
> Colin
> On 21/01/2019 21:00, Shailesh Kumar Patel
> [kenyabirdsnet] wrote:
>> Hello,
>> While in Nairobi for 3 weeks in January 2019, I took lots of wildlife
>> photographic. For the next few weeks, I will be posted photos where I
>> need your help to id them.
>> The photos are taken within Nairobi. Please have a look at the
>> attachments and tell me what is as follows:
>> Photo 1.
>> Photo 2.
>> I don't know if photo 1 and 2 is the same species or not.
>> More to come later.
>> Shailesh