Subject: 26 pentads to go to hit 1000 on the KBM before the end of the year!
Dear birders,
Almost a month ago when I wrote an email about the progress of the Kenya Bird Map, I mentioned that we had only 34 pentads to go to achieve 1000 pentads covered with full protocol cards for Kenya. Since then, we have made progress and now stand at 974 pentads covered (26 pentads to go to 1000)! Well done to all those who have managed to visit some unmapped pentads and cover them with a full protocol card since then!
Jeam Agutu mapped a couple of virgin pentads near Kendu Bay, Rupert Watson, Ann Karuga, Kisham Makui and myself mapped two new pentads near Kiserian and Steve Methu mapped one from the Kasigau area. (I'm yet to located the rest but a total of 8 new pentads got covered with full protocol cards!). With just under 20 days left in 2018, can we get to 1000 pentads covered before the end of the year? It is very possible if each of us registered on the KBM makes an effort to visit and cover at least one new unmapped pentad before the end of the year! There are only 26 pentads to go to achieve this goal! Check out the Coverage Map on the Kenya Bird Map website to see the pentads that are still untouched ( (And of course if you have some lists in your BirdLasser that you have not yet submitted, please do so as soon as you can.)
With that said, I hope you are having a happy Jamhuri Day!