From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2018-11-19 09:58
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] For the record: Breeding pair Water Thick-knees at Athi Dam NNP? [2 Attachments]

Hi James,What an incredible image of the threat display. I think that
this is highly suggestive of the birds breeding at Athi Dam, we will
have to look out for the young. Of course this will be a new breeding
record for NNP and Nairobi County,
Very best

On 11/19/18, James Kashangaki
[kenyabirdsnet] <> wrote:
> All,
> Sunday morning I noticed a pair of Water Thick-knees at Athi Dam
> demonstrating aggressive behavior toward a monitor lizard.  Not sure if
> this is indicative of a nest in the area.  Thought it was interesting since
> these are rarely seen in NNP.
> Good birding
> James Kashangaki