From: David Guarnieri <>
Date: 2018-11-18 08:28
Dear All,
Well I can tell you the "Guarnieri Pentad" in Rome, Italy cannot compete with the Finch Pentad!
Fantastic idea Brian. I agree that this exercise can highlight the incredible diversity of species in and around NNP and go along way to alert the birding community of the incredible richness of avifauna in Kenya.
I did a quick survey on eBird, looking at birding hotspots to get a general idea of the amount of species in the top 67 countries with more than 480 species. An eBird hotspot is defined as:
"Hotspots are public birding locations created by eBird users. Using Hotspots, multiple birders can enter data into the same shared location, creating aggregated results available through "View and Explore Data”."
Hotspots are not defined by measurement. A hotspot can be in an around a lodge, a small park or a national park.
It was interesting to see that there are quiet a few hotspots (50) with more than 480 species. Peru has the most high species hotspots with 18. The hotspot with the most species contains two lodges in Peru with 702 recorded species. It would be interesting for birders in these high species areas to define a pentad and try to compete against the Finch Pentad.
Please see the attached list of the 9 countries (Kenya has three and NNP is on the list!) with hotspots with more than 480 species.