From: James Bradley <>
Date: 2018-06-14 08:49
Subject: Buffy/Plain-backed Pipits

Dear Birders,

Can anyone claim to have seen a definite "zenkeri" Plain-backed Pipit anywhere in Kenya other than well to the west of the Rift Valley? It is a very stocky and distinctive form (e.g. here:

or here:

or here:, and the only subspecies of Plain-backed known to occur in Kenya. Despite regular reports of Plain-backed from Laikipia, I have seen no photos or other evidence of this type in that area.

Birds being ascribed to Plain-backed from Laikipia seem to be based on individuals such as the one here:, which is also similar to some Mara birds (, and currently better treated as Buffy as per the 2009 Kenya checklist. But, these birds do appear different to goodsoni Buffy Pipits (e.g. the attached photos by Simon Carter from Soysambu and by Peter Hellman from Solio), in being slightly darker and lacking warm tones, and they are also not the same as zenkeri Plain-backed.

Is anyone familiar with the type of goodsoni and how it compares with the variety that is seen in Laikipia pipits. Are goodsoni x zenkeri intergrades really what these birds are (as suggested in older litt.) and is such an assignment even possible given the cryptic appearance of these birds. And further can anyone provide an image of a Plain-backed/Buffy type pipit from the Athi basin or plains to the south? The Kenya Bird Atlas attributes Plain-backed (presumably referring to goodsoni in those days) to grass plains south of Mt Kenya and in the Athi area but there does not appear to be any recent information to support this distribution.

Thoughts and comments appreciated from the pipit gurus out there.

Good birding,


James Bradley
Sidney, BC