From: Sidney Shema <>
Date: 2018-05-16 09:35
Subject: Re: Red-chested Flufftail - Karura

P.S. For those who want to hear the audio recording of the flufftail, you can listen to it on this link: It's a bit faint at first but gets more audible after about a minute.

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 7:45 PM, Sidney Shema <> wrote:
Hi birders,

Today in Karura Forest, near the Ranger Village, I recorded a Red-chested Flufftail calling from a patch of flooded grassland. I managed to get a sound recording. The record was also fortunately part of a full protocol card which I will submit to the Kenya Bird Map. Simon Carter and David Guarnieri recorded one at Lily Lake earlier this year. I wonder if it is the same individual that has moved or if it's a different individual.

Best regards,

Sidney Shema
Ornithologist. Safari Guide. Wildlife Photographer

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