Hi Sidney,
The male is consistently at his old nest site along the Nagalomon
River in Kisembe Forest, but as you say never a female, and I think
you are right. About four months ago there was an immature around Athi
Dam, but presumably a wanderer.
Best for now
On 5/9/18, Sidney Shema sidneyshema@gmail.com [kenyabirdsnet]
> *Sidney Shema*<kenyabirdsnet-noreply@yahoogroups.com > wrote:
> Hi birders,
> I was in the park on Saturday with Marco Pruiksma, Jennifer Oduori and
> Fleur
> Ng'weno for the Global Big Day. Among the birds seen were a handful of
> Palearctic migrants - 3 Lesser Grey Shrikes, a Red-backed Shrike and a few
> Barn Swallows. Black-shouldered Kites are now fairly common - a stark
> contrast to the situation before the rains. A Jacobin Cuckoo near Hippo
> Pools was also a nice sighting. Other cuckoos were Diederik, Klaas's,
> Red-chested and African Emerald. Red-collared Widowbirds were all over the
> plains while White-winged and Jackson's Widowbirds were only seen in the
> south-western grasslands around Kingfisher. Yellow-crowned Bishops in
> breeding plumage were busy displaying at the numerous seasonal marshes.
> Black-crowned Night Herons, African Darters, Reed Cormorants and Sacred
> Ibis are nesting in good numbers on their usual clump of trees at Nagolomon
> Dam. Shorebirds in general were virtually absent from the park as there are
> almost no 'shores' on any of the dams.
> Something curious I've noted is that every sighting of a Bateleur that I
> have had in Nairobi National Park over the past couple of years has been of
> a single adult male. No females at all. It's well known that a pair has
> historically nested in the park for a long time but I wonder if the female
> is now dead or has dispersed for some reason (or if it's just pure chance
> that I keep seeing the male). Has anyone here seen a female Bateleur (or
> even a juv/imm) in NNP or any nearby areas over the last 2 years or so?
> Best regards,
> Sidney
> --
> *Ornithologist. Safari Guide. Wildlife Photographer*
> *Website and Blog - www.shotsbyshema.com <http://www.shotsbyshema.com/>*
> *Safaris - Cisticola Tours <https://www.cisticolatours.com/ >*
> *Photography Prints - ShotsByShema Untamed Photography
> <https://teespring.com/stores/shotsbyshema >*
> *Social Media: **Facebook - Sidney Shema - The Birder
> <https://www.facebook.com/SidneyShemaTheBirder/ >; **Instagram
> - @ShotsByShema <https://www.instagram.com/shotsbyshema/ >*
> *Join the Kenya Bird Map <http://kenyabirdmap.adu.org.za/ > and contribute
> directly to bird conservation through citizen science!*