From: Fleur Ng'weno <>
Date: 2018-03-31 14:28
Subject: New place to stay when visiting Dakatcha Woodland


Dakatcha Woodland Important Bird Area north of Malindi is at its best at
this season. Thanks to March rains, the trees are brilliantly green with new
leaves, many of them flowering. Most of the shrubs are in bloom, some are in
fruit. Migratory birds are passing through, and Clarke¹s Weavers ­ birds
found only in Kilifi County ­ are checking out the seasonal wetlands as
potential breeding sites.

Now there is a new guest house to stay in, overlooking a great nyari or
depression and a sweeping view of Dakatcha woodland forest. This is the Bore
Community Forest Centre.

Bore Community Forest Centre is about ten kilometres past Marafa off the
Malindi-Baricho Road. It is owned by the community, and has just been
officially opened. It has a large traditional central banda where you can
view the sunrise or sit in the shade in the heat of the day.

Accommodation offered are basic rooms with one or two single beds in another
large new banda. The showers and toilets are currently in the next building
nearby. Bring your own food and the staff will cook it. Solar panels provide
electricity and you can charge your phone and use the Bore wifi.

The special introductory offer is Ksh.1,000 per person per night, bed and

For more information or to book accommodation, contact
Alex Katana of Green Umbrella
E-mail: <>
Mobile: 0728-526449
What¹s app: 0711-424635

To book an experienced local bird guide, contact Julio Mwambire of Hell¹s
Kitchen, Marafa
Mobile: 0725-082464
Julio Mwambire <>

There are also guest houses in Marafa near Hell's Kitchen.

Wishing you good birding, Fleur