From: c ngarachu <>
Date: 2018-02-28 13:00
Subject: Call for contributions to KENYA BIRDING 12

Greetings birders,

We welcome you to send your articles and sightings for Kenya Birding Issue 12?

These can be articles (between 350 and 700 words) or features of 700-900 words or

 — Short descriptions of sightings or other natural history observations or

— Commentaries (or news) on a conservation concern or a natural history situation (between 50 and 350 words)

These can be accompanied by IMAGES of high resolution .tif or .jpg files

Please do NOT send images by email OR by placing them within a word .doc file

You may more conveniently send images as a download link via Dropbox (or other cloud service) or by way of using the email address

As always, it would greatly help if you would 

* let me know about your intended contribution and 

* submit your note or article by Friday 30 March 2018.

We are exceeding grateful to our contributors and very much look forward to hearing from you,

Catherine Ngarachu


Kenya Birding magazine is about birds and birding, sites and places of interest and conservation news.  

For back copies of Kenya Birding please contact Norman at or Gloria