From: Miriam Smith <>
Date: 2018-01-29 10:49
Subject: ideas

If possible, could you please add Steve Methu to this group.
He works as an Environmental Education facilitator with Eden Camps ( in NVS and he is passionate and knowledgable about birds. He usually participates in the bird counts at Lake Naivasha and Nakuru. I believe he knows Fleur and Darcy as well.

His email is if you would like to add him. 

On another note, I live along the Malewa River on Malu Rd. where Eden has a camp at the northwest corner of Malu property. This area is fantastic for birds and I would like to invite some of you to come and see the place, and maybe help us do a baseline survey of bird life here as well. It is all private property so not so easy to access without knowing someone. 

Let me know if you’d be interested in something like this,

Kind Regards,

Miriam Smith

Founding Director
Eden Environmental Camps and Clubs