From: James Christian <>
Date: 2018-01-07 08:32
Subject: Sibiloi

Hello All,

I went on recent trip to Sibiloi Dec 30-Jan 6. I was with a mostly fishing / non birding group but here are a few things I saw while in and just outside of the park. Non of these birds are very exceptional I don't think but I compiled a list since so few people get up there.  

On the way back to Marsabit about 35 km west I passed a small bunch of what i assumed were Myrmecocichla Chats.  Because I'm still not totally familiar with all Kenyan Ranges I assumed as we passed that there were Sooty Chats.  The habitat was god forsaken - lava with only a bit of sad looking bush.  The convoy couldn't stop for the only bird nerd and as I said I assumed it was something that was supposed to be there.  When I finally got my book out I was able to determine that no Myrmecocichla should live there. The birds were in a small party of 3 or 4.  They had white patches on their coverts exposed very clearly when they landed.  There were also a very jet black.    

There is certainly the possibility that the Turkana sun had gotten to my head and I was seeing bird mirages but I thought it worth a note.  Should anyone be passing the area soon I will share the GPS point. 

Here are the birds from Sibiloi:

White-crowned Starling (East of Entrance)
Somali Courser
Taita Fisca (possibly Somali but I didn't know to check)
Somali Bee-eater
Slender-tailed Nightjar (How odd that there is not a higher nightjar diversity in the area)
Crested Lark
Kori Bustard
Buff-crested Bustard
Heuglin's Bustard
20+ Swallow-tailed Kites
Eastern-chanting Goshawk
Lesser Kestrel
Parrot-billed Sparows
Verreaux's Eagle-owl
Little Swift 
Blue-naped Mousebird
White-browed Scrub-robin
Easter Violet-backed Sunbird (also surprised there is not more sunbird diversity)
Fan-tailed Raven
Red-billed Quelea
Black-cheeked Waxbill
Goliath Heron
White-faced Whistling Duck
African Spoonbill
Glossy Ibis
Great cormorant 
Long-tailed cormorant
Collared Pranticole
Yellow-billed Stork
Knob-billed Duck
Little Egret
Yellow-necked Spurfowl
Crested Francolin
Spur-winged Lapwing
Crowned Lapwing
Caspian Tern
White-winged Tern
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse
Lichtensteins Sandgrouse
Namaqua Dove
Ring-necked Dove
Speckled Pigeon

James Christian
Karisia Walking Safaris
P.O Box 1716 - 10400,
Nanyuki, Kenya
Tel: +254 721371694