From: Darcy Ogada <>
Date: 2018-01-02 19:22
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Cherangany birds

Thanks to everyone for the ID of the parisoma.  Wish there was better news about the forest destruction. 

Cheers, Darcy

Darcy Ogada
Assistant Director of Africa Programs
P.O. Box 1629-00606

On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 8:49 PM, Graeme Backhurst [kenyabirdsnet] <> wrote:

Hi Darcy,

What about Brown Parisoma for your mystery bird?

Happy New Year to all,


On 1 Jan 2018, at 09:59, Darcy Ogada [kenyabirdsnet] <> wrote:

Hi all, 

I've just returned from our farm in the lower Cherangany's.  The forests of the lower Cherangany's have been cut down at an alarming rate, alongside a huge loss of native trees that are being replanting with gum trees and grevillia. Needless to say the western specialties that I used to find on the farm are no more, e.g. leafloves and Double-toothed Barbets. 

The birding this year was especially poor, though this could be for other reasons as well.  I will only mention the migrants which were Eurasian Bee-eater, Steppe Buzzard, and one of the nightengale-like birds that I didn't get a positive id of.  
​This bird looks rather like an African Grey Flycatcher, 
it was behaving 
​entirely ​
like a warbler, which 
​is more apparent in the second photo below. 

These photos may be of the same bird, but they were taken ~40 mins later in the same location, so they could be another bird. 



I would appreciate any help with this bird. 

Happy 2018, 

Darcy Ogada
Assistant Director of Africa Programs 
P.O. Box 1629-00606 
