From: Darcy Ogada <>
Date: 2017-09-18 20:09
Subject: African Wildlife Poisoning Database is now online

Dear all,

Sorry for the cross postings.

​Given that many of you are working or exploring throughout the bush,we wanted to make you aware that there is an African Wildlife Poisoning Database ​ and that it is now online.  The database contains records of 272 poisoning incidents that have killed over 8,000 animals of 40 different species, from 15 countries. ​
Over the years, there have been a few individuals and organisations that have worked on a precursor to this database and we are happy that it has finally culminated in an online database that is accessible to all registered users.  

This means that you can
​ ​
enter any recent or historical poisoning incidents
​ online​
.  You can also access basic information on all incidents in the database.  There is also an app in development to facilitate field-based entry.
​  We wish to acknowledge technical support from The Gadfly Project ​

Most importantly, we hope that you will spread awareness about this database among your colleagues/staff/students/friends, so that any suspected poisoning records can be entered. 

Of course, if you are unable to use the online entry form, please inform either Andre Botha, Lizanne Roxburgh, or myself about incidents, so we can ensure these get captured in the database. If you know of a past incident and are unsure if it is already in the database, contact Lizanne.  Please note that the database exists to capture all records of poisoning involving any species, and no matter how big or small the incident.  It is not solely focused on incidents involving vultures. 

Further details are in the attached press release.  The launch of the online database has been a collaboration between the Endangered Wildlife Trust, The Peregrine Fund, and The Gadfly Project.

Cheers, Darcy

Darcy Ogada
Assistant Director of Africa Programs
P.O. Box 1629-00606