From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2017-07-27 10:00
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Fw: Migrants

Hi Linda,
It's always interesting to receive dates of White Storks at this time
of year. They aren't exactly early migrants, but ones that never left
in April, probably first summer non-breeders,
Very best and thanks for taking the trouble to post this in,

On 7/27/17, Barasa FM [kenyabirdsnet]
<> wrote:
>    Hi Birders,
> see the email below for the early migrants.
> With regards,
> Fred  From: Linda Brown []
> Sent: 26 July 2017 16:55
> To: 'Fred Barasa'
> Subject: Migrants  Dear Fred  Greetings from Njoro.  By misfortune I have
> lost all my old emails and addresses.  I remember a while back somebody
> asking us to report sightings of migrating birds – we want to report the
> arrival of half a dozen White Storks in Njoro yesterday!  Much earlier than
> normal.  We are having torrential rains here.  Could I ask you to pass the
> info on to the relevant department – or perhaps give me their address?  Hope
> all is well with you.  RegardsLinda
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