From: Adam Scott Kennedy <>
Date: 2017-03-13 09:50
Subject: Part 2 - Bird reports from Angama Mara (10th-13th March 2017)

Hi All,

Here’s an update of recent sightings from my base here at Angama Mara.

10th March

An early morning walk around the camp grounds above the escarpment; 1 Pale Wren Warbler, several Willow Warbler, a group of 8 male Violet-backed Starling with 1 female/ juv-type also, a pair of Golden-breasted Bunting, 1 female Red-headed Weaver, 2 Chinspot Batis, Grassland Pipit, and lots of the commoner species, including flocks of Barn Swallow moving through.

Evening at camp; 1 Little Rock Thrush, 2 Red-winged Starling, 1 Freckled Nightjar.

11th March

Game drive from camp to southern section of Mara Triangle (MT) along the TZ border from 6.15am-4pm; 2 Red-winged Francolin calling early am (heard but not seen), 1 Black-lored Babbler with 2 Levaillant’s Cuckoo nearby, closely followed by a fine Jacobin Cuckoo, 5 Rufous-tailed Weavers at a nest site along the TZ border and 2 White-headed Buffalo-weaver there too, a family party of 4 Yellow-throated Sandgrouse (2 juvs), 1 Black Kite imm (superficially resembling Asian race lineatus, like Brian Finch’s recent individual from Nairobi), 1 Dark Chanting Goshawk, 1 Eurasian Hobby, 1 Grey Kestrel, c.15 Lesser Kestrel, 5 Montagu’s Harrier, 1 Eurasian Roller, 1 Crowned Hornbill, 4 Southern Ground Hornbill (1 party), 30-40 Eurasian Bee-eater on the move northwards, 2 Woolly-necked Stork, 500+ Quailfinch, 1 Rufous-chested Swallow, several flocks of Banded Martin (up to 10 per group), 3 Red-billed Quelea with flocks of various widowbirds, and finally 1 Eurasian Rock Thrush on the climb back up the escarpment.

12th March

Early morning walk from camp to nearby wooded valley; 1 Tullberg’s (Fine-banded) Woodpecker, 3 Narina Trogon heard calling and 1 seen well, 1 Crowned Eagle seen flying at at close range, 3-5 Green-capped Eremomela, 2 Grey-throated Barbet, 1 Red-throated Wryneck seen well, 1 Lesser Honeyguide seen and higher up into the woods a Thick-billed Honeyguide was heard, 4 Joyful Greenbul (seen and heard), 4 Dusky Turtle Dove, up to 5 Tree Pipit and at least 1 Red-throated Pipit.

Late morning from tent; 2 Crowned Eagle displaying with an uncomfortable-looking Martial Eagle sandwiched in between.

In camp; 1 African Wood Owl, found sitting 30cm above the ground at 7.20pm. It was reluctant to fly away and at one point perched less than 1m above my head, very obliging but sadly no camera with me at the time.

13th March

An early morning drive into the MT from camp; 1 Lizard Buzzard, 1 Eurasian Hobby, 2 Eurasian Roller, 1 possible Black-backed Cisticola but it quickly dived into cover when found. On the way back up the escarpment we encountered another fine passage of migrant raptors from 9.25-10.15am that included 14 Lesser Spotted Eagles, 2 Steppe Eagle, 60+ Steppe Buzzard, plus local Tawny Eagles.

Best for now,
