From: Fleur Ng'weno <>
Date: 2017-01-27 13:56
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Pacific Golden-Plover photos

Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Pacific Golden-Plover photos Hello Clive

In February 2010 we saw a flock of over 150 at Lake Mbililo in the Delta. In January 2014 we estimated between 50 and 100.

In 2015 we went there in March and they had already left; and I have not been back since then.

Good birding, Fleur

On 1/27/17 9:05 AM, "Clive Mann" <> wrote:

Most definitely Caspian.

Fleur, are there really large flocks of Pacific Golden Plovers in Tana River Delta?


On 27 January 2017 at 11:06, Fleur Ng'weno [kenyabirdsnet] <> wrote:


Dear all

In the Tana River Delta, large flocks of both Caspian Plovers and Pacific Golden Plovers gather on the mudflats of the river’s edge.

Good birding, Fleur

On 1/27/17 4:45 AM, "Brian Finch <>  [kenyabirdsnet]" < <> > wrote:

Dear All,
I agree this is a Caspian and not a PGP. Whilst it is very unusual on
a tideline, it is regular on grassy areas on the coast such as
Best for now

On 1/27/17, James Bradley <>  [kenyabirdsnet]
< <> > wrote:
> Nice photo Nate - did you consider Caspian Plover?
> Best,
> James
> On 26 January 2017 at 11:01, Nate Dias <>
> [kenyabirdsnet] < <> > wrote:
>> I have never seen a PGP with such a needle-tipped bill but I did not
>> see any features to really deter me from identifying it as such.
>> Good birding,
>> Nate
> --
> James Bradley
> Sidney, BC