From: Sidney Shema Kamanzi <>
Date: 2016-11-25 17:32
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] 2016 PALEARCTIC ARRIVAL DATES update to 15th November

Dear Steve, Brian and all,

On Sunday 20th Nov, during a Nature Kenya Sunday bird watch, we saw about 5 Lesser Striped Swallows busy building mud nests under the roof of one of the houses at Ziwani Retreat Centre (between Juja and Thika). There was a high diversity of swallows/martins including Barn, Wire-tailed and Red-rumped Swallows, Black Saw-wing, Plain Martin and Rock Martin. Migrants included Blackcap, Black Stork and Eurasian Swifts. The area was also interesting as we saw birds of forest, bush and grassland. Brown-backed and White-browed Scrub Robin were both seen. Raptors also abounded, including Lanner Falcon (2 adults and juv), Ayres Hawk-Eagle, Augur Buzzard, African Fish Eagle, Black-chested Snake Eagle and Gymnogene.


On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 7:11 PM, Brian Finch [kenyabirdsnet] <> wrote:

Hi Steve,
Thanks so very much for sending this detail on Lesser Striped Swallows
in. On Tuesday I was in NNP all day, in all the favourite haunts for
Lesser Striped, there were none to be seen even though Red-rumped were
gathering mud in puddles.
Yesterday (Wed), one flew over the house calling, staying high and
flying over without any deviation. I concluded this was not one of our
birds. Today our pair were back and singing on their favourite
It would be really good if people could write in when they see their
first, as I suspect in the next couple of days they could be
everywhere, which would suggest a mass movement back to Nairobi.
Without this information, the migration of the species back into
Nairobi will continue to remain a mystery.

Best for now

On 11/22/16, Stephen Graham [kenyabirdsnet]
<> wrote:
Hello Brian,
You were asking for sightings of lesser-striped swallows returning to
Nairobi. I saw several feeding at the dam on the Kofinaf coffee estate, off
Ngenda Road, north of Kiambu, on Sunday Nov. 20. Still, none have returned
yet to where I have often seen them off Lower Kabete in Nairobi.
Steve Graham

Stephen Graham
+254 (0)706 693 421