From: Neil and Liz Baker <>
Date: 2016-10-31 07:24
Subject: Spotted Ground Thrush

Brian and all

No one ringing birds along our coast for many years so only a single observation and photograph from just south of Dar 2 years ago. NOTHING at all has been done on these birds after that Birdlife SSAP was published. NOTHING.

Are you aware of the recovery near Diani Beach of a bird Liz ringed on the Rondo ?

Interesting that so few of our SE Pittas move north, most surely move NW post breeding. Still "numbers" in our SE forests and better quality riverine.

Neil and Liz Baker, Tanzania Bird Atlas,
P.O. Box 396, Iringa, Tanzania.
Mobiles: +255 753-513603 and +255 784-834273.
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