From: Simon Ball <>
Date: 2016-01-08 10:37
Subject: FW: SGR meeting update



Not only does it destroy our own residential area.

It completely destroys the Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage  and the area annexed in the loop will surely be grabbed by greedy developers and this area in the llop wil no longer be viable for wildlife as part of the greater Nbi Nat park !!.



A horrendous diabolical thoughtless plan !!!!


Rgds Simon


From: Mukoma Residents []
Sent: 08 January 2016 09:05
To:; Melissa de Blok;;; Shepherds; A Ferguson; Adrain Naughton; Al Cavenagh; Alasdair Sinton; Alex Bell; Alex Galley; Alice Kamau; Allan Earnshaw; Andy Allan; Andy Roberts; Angela Sutton; Angus Douglas-Hamilton; Anna McFerran; Annarita Spagnuolo; Anne Pelham; Anthony Cheffings; Anthony Russell; Antonia Glen; Ash Mann; Ayub Inoti; Barbara Dundas; Ben Clay; Beth Bright; Betty Archer; Biddy Davis; Brian Macoun; Camilla; Cara Nora; Carly Cowling; Catherine Mwangi; Chege Gitahi; Chris Holmes; Chris Trent; Christina Lacey; Christine de la Harpe; Christine Leonard; Clare Hooper; Clare Lindsay; Clare Low; Colleen Outram; Conrad Thorpe; Dave DeLeHarp; David Carroll; David Mead; Dulcie Howitt; Elizabeth Muema; Emmanuel deMerode; Enrico Nora; Erin Brennan Allan; Fiona Cheffings; Frank Pope; Fraser and Kes Smith; Fuzz Dyer; Gail Westwood; Gemma Francis; Genevieve Hennessey-Barrett; Gerson Misumi; Gillian Charleson; Glen Edmunds; Guy Lawrence; Helen Carson; Helle Sejer Hansen; Hilary Osodo; Howard Saunders; I.U.C.N. - J. Muindi; Iain Douglas-Hamilton; Ian McCloy; Isaac Wanjohi; Jackie Somers; James Robertson; James Robertson; Jamie Loden; Jan Allan; Jay Kimmelman; Jenny Ellis; Jenny Pelham; Jeremy Haysom; jhatley100 .; Jo Carroll; Joan Edwards; Joe Charleston; John and Andrena Low; John Dowd; Jonathan & Angela Scott; Jonathan Somers; Joseph Waweru; Josephine Kiluta; Judy & Roy Carr-Hartly; Julia Glen; Julie Church; Justine Douglas Hamilton; Kassie Mcilvaine; Kerry Glen; Kes Smith; Kim Edmunds; Kim Haysom; Laban Omangi; Lesley Hannah; Linda Thorpe; Lindsay Bell; Liz Cheli; Louise Leakey; Lucy and Sacha Cook; Lyn Angell; Mark Glen; Mark Windmill; Martha Mburu; Mary Anne Fitzgerald; Melissa de Blok; Michael Asher; Michael Pelham; Michele Church; Michiel Hoogerwerf; Mike Cheffings; Mike Huth; Mike Norton Grifiths; Mort McCloy; Mr & Mrs Bradley Martin; Mr & Mrs Owen; Mr & Mrs Rogtan; Mr Mburu; Mr Mwangi; Natalie Havelock; Natasha Breed; Neil Drewitt; Neil Macarthy; Nick Allen; Nick Evans; Nigel Archer; Nigel Cowling; Nigel Dundas; Nish Lakhani; OnSafari; Oria Douglas-Hamilton; Peter Kariuki; Phil Figgins; Philip Galley; Ramesh Hirani; Richard Bell; Richard Hooper; Richard Low; Rick Anderson; Rick Ashley; Rob Olivier; Rupert Watson; Saba Douglas-Hamilton; Sabina Hutchison; Sacha Cook; Samantha Greenwood; Sandor Carter; Sarah Huth; Sarah Loden; Sarah Trent; Shannon May; Shweta Clay; Simon Ball; Simon Falkner; Simonne Cheffings; SMA Fathers; St Josephs Meru Seminary; Stanley Mancharia; Stefano Cheli; Stephanie Dloniak; Stephen Mburu; Stephen Mugambi; Steve and Colleen Outram; Sue Tomlinson; Sven Ziegler; Tanya and Mikey carr Hartley; Tara Fitzgerald; Tim Carson; Tim Githugu; Tony Mwangi; Tracey Pelham; Wayne Hennessey Barrett .; Wendy Ball; Wendy Rutter
Subject: Fwd: SGR meeting update


Please see below forwarded note from Richard Hooper.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Hooper <>
Date: Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 12:57 PM
Subject: Fwd: SGR meeting update
To: Anthony Cheffings <>

Hi Anthony,


I attended the SGR meeting on Monday, and subsequently got the attached photos of the proposed railway routings.


Please can you circulate these to all Mukoma residents


Please highlight that the alternative routing that does not go through Nairobi national park would instead come through Mukoma estate and would demolish several of our residences (see purple line on attached maps).


Richard Hooper
Mobile: +254 733 730417
skype: richardldp



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Duncan Munyua <>
Date: 7 January 2016 at 12:35
Subject: Fwd: SGR meeting update
To: Gilbert Maina <>, Lawrence Gitonga <>, Christopher McLean <>, Mathenge Ichangi <>, Christine Meru <>, Robyn Boyd <>, Maureen Leting <>, Tom Mboya <>, Mburu Ngugi <>,, Salome Mugwanja <>, Elizabeth Dames <>, Sara Alder <>, "Dr. Peter Mwethera" <>, Josephat Ngile <>, John Marosi <>, David mereka <>, Tamsin <>,,,, Alex Mathenge <>, Heather Lawrence <>, Christine Ndirangu <>, Neil McRae <>, Bruno Illi <>,,, Nigel Shaw <>


Good morning.

This is the information collected so far on the SGR project.It will impact the KLDA area.

The secretariat welcomes your thoughts and or comments in order to formulate a response.

Neighborhood Associations(NAs) are called upon to respond.


Send to

Thank you.

Have a good day.


Duncan Munyua.








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