From: Darcy Ogada <>
Date: 2015-12-28 16:17
Subject: babbler ID

Hi all,

For years I've been seeing babblers at our farm near Kitale.  I've waivered on their ID.  The attached photos suggest they are Arrow-marked, which would be significantly out of the range for this species as indicated in Zimmerman et al. 

The location of our farm is'03.6%22N+35%C2%B014'27.6%22E/@0.5780728,34.7136563,8z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en

I'd be grateful if someone could confirm this.  Assuming these are Arrow-marked, is this population well known?

Thanks, Darcy
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Darcy Ogada | Assistant Director of Africa Programs
The Peregrine Fund |
P.O. Box 1629-00606, Nairobi, Kenya
Conserving birds of prey worldwide