From: Washington Wachira <>
Date: 2015-10-16 10:38
Subject: Black Cuckoo sighting in the Nairobi Arboretum

Hallo all,

Black Cuckoos are not the commonest birds in Nairobi, with each sighting being well worthy.
On Wednesday, 14/10/2015, during a Nature Kenya Birdwalk at the Nairobi Arboretum, I photographed this rare plumage of a Black Cuckoo.
This is an immature bird turning into adult plumage, and that is why the face has a contrasting colour from the rest of the body. Quite a rare plumage, thanks to Brian.

Kind regards,
Washington Wachira.

Washington Wachira

P.O Box 1930-20117
Naivasha, Kenya

+254 711 706 450