From: Colin Jackson <>
Date: 2015-08-06 09:31
Subject: cuckoo ID paper

Many may have seen this already, but for those who haven't and who are not aware of the online journal for birders "Ornithological Observations", this paper will be of interest regarding the challenge of identifying Common and African Cuckoos - something which is perhaps not as easy as some would have thought it.

Cuckoo about cuckoos: identification of Common and African cuckoos re-examined, Faansie Peacock, 2014, Ornithological Observations 5:411-430

Ornithological Observations is a great outlet for all and anyone's birding observations. It is not as 'scientific' as the mainline journals such as Scopus, Ostrich, Ibis etc, but more scientific than a birding magazine and an excellent place for all and anyone with an interesting observation of birds to publish it and get it out in the public sphere where it can be referenced and used for other publications.
Colin Jackson
A Rocha Kenya / Animal Demography Unit
University of Cape Town

Cell: +27 (0)81 702 4041