From: Fleur Ng'weno <>
Date: 2015-04-28 13:59
Subject: Clarke's Weavers nesting in Dakatcha Woodland near Malindi

Greetings birders

Julio Mwambire, Japhet Garama and other members of the Dakatcha Woodland
Conservation Group monitoring team report that Clarke's Weavers have started
nesting in seasonal wetlands in Dakatcha Woodland. Rains filling the
wetlands and Brachystegia trees leafing out have provided the right

The breeding event is likely to only last 3-4 weeks. To find a knowledgeable
local guide, contact:

Julio Mwambire 0725-082464
Brian Wambua 0707-340669

Network may be erratic, but sms usually works.

Wishing you good birding, Fleur