From: Darcy Ogada <>
Date: 2015-03-29 11:17
Subject: birding in Thika after some rain

Hi all,

I snuck out for some birding this morning and wasn't disappointed.  I only got started at 9am and managed two and half hours.  I recorded 68 species in the Imani Compound at Del Monte. 

Of note was a beautiful sunbird.  I don't know if this is particularly unusual in Thika, but I've never seen one around here in 10+ years.  I saw a male in full breeding plumage, and another not quite in breeding plumage. 

One African pygmy kingfisher was a nice bird to see.  And a couple of Eastern Honeybirds. 

Migrants were: many willow warblers, common nightengale, two Eurasian golden oriole, two tree pipits, many spotted flycatchers and one steppe buzzard. I couldn't confirm a possible sprosser, but it was similar to a nightengale, but not.  The head and wing covert were more grey, but it otherwise looked similar to a nightengale.

Good birding to all,

Here's the list:
marabou stork
hadada ibis
long-tailed cormorant
wahlberg's eagle
african fish eagle
steppe buzzard
yellow-billed kite
great sparrowhawk
red-eyed dove
african green pigeon
tambourine dove
emerald spotted wood dove
red-chested cuckoo
little swift
african palm swift
unknown large swift
speckled mousebird
african pygmy kingfisher
grey-headed kingfisher
cinnamon-breasted bee-eater
white-headed barbet
spot-flanked barbet
yellow-rumped tinkerbird
eatern honeybird
lesser honeyguide
tree pipit
red-rumped swallow
lesser-striped swallow
common bulbul
eurasian golden oriole
pied crow
black cuckooshrike female
tropical boubou
common fiscal
spotted flycatcher
african paradise flycatcher
southern black flycatcher
olive thrush
white-browed scrub robin
rueppell's robin chat
cape robin chat
common nightengale
willow warbler
winding cisticola
yellow-breasted apalis
tawny-flanked prinia
grey-capped warbler
dark-capped warbler
white-bellied tit
bronze sunbird
beautiful sunbird
variable sunbird
green-headed sunbird
scarlet-chested sunbird
grosbeak weaver
white-browed sparrow weaver
pin-tailed whydah
white-winged widowbird
yellow bishop
african golden weaver
baglafecht weaver
holub's golden weaver
red-cheeked cordon bleu
purple grenadier
red-billed firefinch
bronze mannikin
streaky seedeater