Dear all.
hope everyone has been getting better in this birding (owl man)working for mackinders eagle owl.project .as you all know i have gone back to study wildlife management and environment courses at the KWSTI in naivsha from grants by perengrene fund.i took as my school work a reserch based on determining the abundance of longeared owl in mt kenya. in the beggining it was hard to me. but my supervisors kept me going and giving me hope so were my donors and in person Darcy ogada and Terry stevenson. i got more funding further and assistance too from Terry stevenson and john his co outhor of his birds giuld book.and for 2years i have been off and on camping in mt kenya with my team each, visit taking 7 days(i have made 13 trips)
you all know how scarce the information on this owl is
in kenya and tracking it down became more hard.i opted to stop tracking the species habitats itself but track the human hisory itself. ie.old road tracks old bridges done back from 1961 when this last owl species was collected. and since then this has been too GOOD and getting BETTER.we shall have the way forward on this and about this OWL species soon .
more updated and inclusive work and reporting next months
happy birding all.