From: John Dawson <>
Date: 2014-10-30 13:06
Subject: Karen Club bird walk 24 October

On a dull morning, myself, Alastair Campbell, Hilary Atkins, Will Jamieson, Christine Fowler, Di Gilbert and Barb Schlegel set off along the 1st and 2nd fairways to explore the fringing bush and woodland. After months of trying we finally got our binoculars on the vociferous but elusive yellow-whiskered greenbul, and whistling the call of the yellow-rumped tinkerbird brought it down into plain view to see who was invading its territory. As the light improved we got good views of African green pigeon, cinnamon-chested bee-eater, and scarlet-chested, variable, northern double-collared, and collared sunbirds. Spot-flanked and white-headed barbets were also in good voice.


At the pond near the tee on the 5th, grosbeak weavers were constructing their wonderfully tidy nests, and Hilary Atkins later obtained assurance from the Club management that they would not be disturbed by any cutting back of the reeds. At the dams, however, it was again sadly demonstrated that a sea of plastic is not an attractive bird habitat, and the migrant population was restricted to a few black-winged stilts and common sandpipers, along with a grey heron and the resident family of Egyptian geese.


At the wetlands the star of the show was a perched long-crested eagle, the first sighting of that species on the bird walk. All in all the walk yielded a very satisfying 52 species, listed below.


All best, John Dawson


Egyptian Goose

Yellow-billed Duck

Little Grebe

Sacred Ibis

Hadada Ibis

Grey Heron

Reed Cormorant

Great Cormorant

Black Kite

African Goshawk

Long-crested Eagle

Black Crake

Black-winged Stilt

Three-banded Plover

Common Sandpiper

Red-eyed Dove

African Green Pigeon

Hartlaub’s Turaco

Klaas’s Cuckoo

Little Swift

Speckled Mousebird

Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater

Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird

Spot-flanked Barbet

White-headed Barbet

Black-backed Puffback

Tropical Boubou

Common Fiscal

Pied Crow

Rock Martin

Red-rumped Swallow

Yellow-breasted Apalis

Grey-capped Warbler

Grey-backed Camaroptera

Common Bulbul

Yellow-whiskered Greenbul

Olive Thrush

Cape Robin Chat

Ruppell’s Robin Chat

White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher

Collared Sunbird

Scarlet-chested Sunbird

Bronze Sunbird

Northern Double-collared Sunbird

Variable Sunbird

Grosbeak Weaver

Baglafecht Weaver

Spectacled Weaver

Holub’s Golden Weaver

Speke’s Weaver

African Pied Wagtail

Streaky Seedeater