From: Fleur Ng'weno <>
Date: 2014-06-24 14:06
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Tana Delt Birds Observation

Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Tana Delt Birds Observation Thanks for those good bird records from Tana Delta, Jonathan

Yes, we saw Senegal Plover near Chalaluma in February 2010, with Peter Usher and Omar Bocha; and again on the trip with Brian Finch, Mike Davidson and others in May 2011.

So sad to hear of attacks in Witu. We think of you and all our friends in the Tana Delta and hope you are safe and well.

Wishing you good birding, Fleur

On 6/24/14 9:26 AM, " [kenyabirdsnet]" <> wrote:   

Yes the new amazing sighting i had never saw before, it was on Saturday of 21st June when i was driving from Garsen to Malindi road just after Tarasaa Junction about 400 meter two Plover species on the road which was a bit wet after the rain shower. arround 10 species Black headed plover and 7 to 8 Senegal plover. The Senegal plover is my record here on list of Delta, though Fleur should check if we had the species on Tana Delta bird Checklist. You now i am excited to see the game plover who are more found in savana areas together as the seem to welcoming others. The first black crown plover arrived first and now is the Senegal plover.

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