From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2014-06-24 19:52
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] African p flycatcher 2 morphs [1 Attachment]

Dear Clive,
I would have thought that if they were a phase, then we would see so
much more of them, and they are a real rarity in Kenya, hence not
being illustrated in the regional guides.
As regards to the all white birds, these are northern dry birds, where
they are exclusive, whilst red birds are in moister habitats. Where
the white bird is not found, as in southern Kenya uplands, but also
Magadi Road for some reason, it is all red. However we do get the very
rare superb all white bird turning up in Nairobi NP from time to time.
But ferreti I have only ever seen twice in Kenya, both in NNP, whilst
in Ethiopia it is a dominant form in some areas. You would expect it
to be reported from our northern borderlands, but as far as I can make
out, they are all normal whites.
I am posting the Nakuru bird I stumbled across in the internet,
correctly labelled,
Best for now

On 6/24/14, Clive Mann <> wrote:
> It's quite possible that white birds are not morphs but phases, the white
> birds being older, and found in both sexes. This seems to be the case in
> Asian PF.
> Clive Mann
> On 24 June 2014 17:20, Brian Finch [kenyabirdsnet] <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Peter, James and all,
>> Just to show what a spectacular bird ferreti is, attached are images I
>> found on the net from Ethiopia. Whilst I was ferreting around for this
>> bird (pun intended) I found an image of a bird taken in Nakuru!!!
>> Now although the guides have sadly omitted the bird, now you know what
>> you are on the lookout for!
>> Best for now
>> Brian
> --
> Dr C F Mann