From: liran BenAltabet <>
Date: 2014-05-11 09:17
Subject: Great White Pelican -nesting colonies?

Dear All
I appeal to you in a request to get some information about nesting colonies of the Great White Pelican in Kenya and East Africa. I know that the largest colony in Kenya was at Lake Elementeita but now the pelican nesting island is flooded, and only few birds visit. Does any of you know about other nesting colonies in Kenya? Or in East Africa?

Way Am I asking?!
I am a M.Sc. student in the Hebrew university of Jerusalem.
We what to study the population genetic structure of the Great White Pelicans. This is part of a very large conservation and monitoring project. Thus, we conduct wide range of studies in order to understand the phenomena we experience in Israel of extremely hungry (& very poor body condition) migratory Great White Pelican (GWP), populations, migration, dispersion, who are the wintering GWP in Israel and those that stay over the summer in East Africa.
Also, the numbers of fall migrants GWP over Israel varies significantly between years. Is it relates to different migrating populations or some stay in Africa (as we experienced last year).
Within the project we intend  to examine patterns of genetic differentiation across the range of distribution of the GWP.
Eventually we will try to answer questions, such as:
1.     whether individuals of African origin breed with those of Western Palearctic origin.
2.     what are the genetic differences between migratory populations and non-migratory.
As a first step we are interested in collecting feather samples of GWP nesting colonies  from as much colonies as possible across Africa, Asia and Europe.
If any of you can help us, or if you have contacts that might be able, please contact me.

Thank you
Liran Ben Altabet