From: Steve Boyes <>
Date: 2014-05-03 02:56
Subject: RE: Preserving wilderness? Birds will help us...

Hi All,

Please read this interview I did at TED2014 in Vancouver after presenting on our work in the Okavango Delta as a 2014 TED Fellow

Share this link with your friends and support the work of the Wild Bird Trust.

Yours in bird conservation,

Dr Rutledge S. Boyes
DST/NRF Centre of Excellence Innovations Postdoctoral Fellow
Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (
(University of Cape Town , South Africa)

2014 TED Fellow:
National Geographic 2013 Emerging Explorer:
National Geographic Expeditions Expert:
National Geographic News Watch Contributing Editor:

Scientific Director & Trustee - Wild Bird Trust
Africa Coordinator - International Ornithological Union: Parrot Specialist Group


South African Mobile : (+27) (0) 72 85 85 644
Skype: steve.boyes