From: Felix Koimburi <>
Date: 2014-04-02 14:50
Subject: Awkward but surprisingly successful bird of prey attack!

Hi all.

While out on an early morning jog in Maputo, I saw something that I had never witnessed before, and wanted to find out how common it was. I was admiring a breeding plumaged widowbird that had just appeared in view at eye-level about 20 feet from me. Suddenly, a black shouldered kite (that is what I pegged it as in the morning half light) appeared from UNDERNEATH the unsuspecting widow and ambushed it fabulously! From pretty much DIRECTLY underneath! The explosion of feathers was like nothing I had ever seen. 

The poor widow must have been stunned senseless, because as I watched the kite laboriously head south for a few meteres before turning back and heading overhead and north, disappearing into the distance, the widow did not seem to struggle much from what I could make out.

Has anyone come across this kind of attack: A bird of prey attacking its prey from underneath? And with that level of force. How can it even generate enough speed to take out something the size of a widowbird?

Looking forward to hearing the feedback.
