Date: 2014-03-28 08:44
Subject: Re: African Indaba March 2014, Volume 12-2

A good amount of (interesting) information about wildlife and conservation in Kenya and Tanzania in this issue, including the rhino horn and elephant ivory trade.
In a message dated 3/28/2014 2:12:38 P.M. E. Africa Standard Time, writes:

Welcome to the March 2014 Issue of African Indaba

Read our cutting edge hunting and conservation news from Africa online by clicking the individual articles below

Editorial: 21st Century Witch-Hunts >>
Hunters United Against Wildlife Crime >>
African Elephant and the Summits >>
Madiba: Conservationist and Hunter … and a Bit of History >>
Zimbabwe: Save Valley Conservancy to Be Indigenized? >>
Safari Hunting in Africa and Public Opinion in Germany >>
Angola: Giant Sable Update >>
Background to Rhino Poaching >>
Cherry-Picking ‘Grey Literature’ On Rhino Horn & gt;>
Rhinos: It's Time For Plan B >>
Botswana's Impending Wildlife Disaster >>
Rhino Conservation Isn’t Just About Rhinos >>
Does it Make Sense Then to Destroy Stockpiles of Ivory? >>
Kenya: Wildlife loved to Death >>
Kenya: Animal Welfare Groups up in Arms Against New Wildlife Law >>
Zambia: Surveys and Investigations Leave Wildlife Authorities in a Pickle >>
SCI: Fighting for Lions Campaign: One Year Later >>
Lion Numbers Could Improve with New Sustainable Hunting Q uotas >>
Break the Link Between Terrorism Funding and Poaching >>
CIC Celebrated First-Ever World Wildlife Day on 3rd March >> News From and About Africa >>
D. H. M. Cumming Reviews Glen Martin’s Book “Game Changer: Animal Rights and the Fate of Africa’s Wildlife” >>

To read and see the articles with photographs you can download a PDF file (1.2 MB) and print the March 2014 issue of African Indaba by clicking here.
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