From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2014-03-18 19:56
Subject: NAIROBI NATIONAL PARK 17th March 2014


Dear All,
Although not much rain had fallen the previous night, heavy rain had
fallen on Saturday night, and even more on the Friday. So we were
expecting things to be a bit damp in places.

Amazingly chaos was reigning at both the entrances at Langata and
Main, with problems with the computer. Giving credit where due
however, the Customer Services Staff at both locations kept their cool
and handled the problem that was no fault of their own, professionally
and efficiently.

Mike Davidson, Karen Plumbe and myself, finally rendezvoused with
Fleur Ng'Weno and Jennifer Oduori at the Main Gate, and on getting
through made straight for KWS Mess Gardens arriving at 8.15am. It was
overcast, but from a cloudy start the impression was that the birds
were only just making themselves active. However it was a little
disappointing and the best we could do was a Long-crested Eagle on the
way, a Greater Honeyguide at this site for the first time, and very
noisy, an Eastern Honeybird, two Nightingales, single Garden Warbler
and Blackcap, and the usual Black-collared Apalis. The first of the
afrotropicals migrants had returned in the form of five Violet-backed