Hi Titus,
I was very interested to receive your account of ringing in Kakamega Forest. I once found a dead Gabon Viper there but never a Jameson's Mamba. I did have a Spitting Cobra get entangled in my mistnets in my house in Soroti when I was away. It died and was badly decomposed when I found it.
I ringed regularly there in the early 1970's and wrote up my results in
Ostrich 1985. 56: 236-262.
I only found Mountain Illadopsis at one site which was higher than the Rest House area, and was in fact in Nandi District. This part of the forest was destroyed in the 1980s. I wondered if you could have been mistaken and perhaps it was Brown Illadopsis you caught. I suppose it is possible that Mountain has moved to a lower altitude.