From: dieter oschadleus <>
Date: 2013-12-20 07:54
Subject: Social spiders and sparrow-weavers
The White-browed Sparrow-Weaver has become a common bird in Nairobi, and
to date 99 PHOWN records have been submitted for this species from
Nairobi. Of these records, 5 records noted small spiders and their webs
near or over the weaver nests. The small number of records of spider
webs and weaver nests suggests that the association may be fortuitous,
but even so it raises interesting questions. For example, do the spiders
cause the weavers to leave or are the spiders only able to colonise a
tree where the sparrow-weavers have already left? In one case, there was
a relatively small spider web near a weaver nest, and the weaver colony
was still active (, while
in other cases the spider webs were extensive but it is not known if
weavers were present.
View all the spider-weaver records at
The spiders are probably social spiders but this group includes many
families. More records are needed, the spiders need to be identified,
and observations on these associations are needed!
Dr Dieter Oschadleus (or
Bird-ringing Coordinator, SAFRING
Animal Demography Unit tel: (021) 650-2421
University of Cape Town NEW fax: (021) 650-3301 (Zoology)
Rondebosch 7701 RSA