From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2013-12-19 00:20
Dear All,
Don Turner and myself are trying to understand the distribution of
Black Cuckoo in Kenya. It is an enigmatic bird, so commonly heard in
the rains, males holding territories, having combatting calling
sessions with other males, and engaged in display chases of females.
In the rains calling for much of the day but has anyone ever seen a
young bird or one with a foster parent (which should be Boubous and
The distribution of nominate black birds and red-chested birds is also
causing some confusion. It would be good to receive records of Black
Cuckoos from around the country, but with special reference to whether
they are the nominate all black birds or the jacksoni type with red
chests and heavy barring below. Records of black nominate in and west
of the Rift and Red-chested barred below, in and east of the Rift,
plus dates please.
Thanks to everyone for co-operating in this piece of research,