From: Don Reid <>
Date: 2013-11-19 08:41
Subject: Mombasa Bird Walk

Dear Birders
Bird walk at Vipingo Ridge Golf Course Sat 16/11:
Managed at last to see my first Oriole of the season but only saw about 3 whereas in past years they have been numerous.  Lots of Barn Swallows dipping into one of the now well established lakes together with dozens of the most fabulous Carmine Bee-eaters. Other migrants were a couple of Common Sandpipers and lots of Yellow Wagtails which love the short grass on the fairways.  There were a big number of Black-headed herons and it looks as though this may develop into a heronry, something to look forward to.  A pair of Red-rumped Swallows were an unusual sighting for us in a large number of Striped Swallows which obligingly posed for our two photographers just a few feet away on a low bridge.  A pair of White-faced Whistling Ducks sitting with a Little Grebe gave Doris another good photo opportunity.  There were big flocks of Red-billed Quelea.  The great Sparrow Hawk nest had been rebuilt but there was no sign of activity.  32 species in total in two and half hours.
The crows are now far less than they were before although Duncan who was thinking he had destroyed most of them with his rigorous trapping was disappointed to have caught 90 in the last week but his hard work seems to be paying off if slowly  If only we had Starlicide!  
Marlene Reid (Mombasa)