From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2013-11-05 19:53
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Eurasian or African Scops-Owl? [1 Attachment]

Dear Wanyoike,
What an amazing image of a Scops Owl. I must say that I have seen many
daylight roosting African Scops, but I have never seen this attitude
before, it's more like White-faced who adopt these bizarre postures
and attenuate themselves.
It would be good to learn from the readers if anyone else has seen an
African Scops do this.

The timing, atypical habitat, and the location all suggest that the
bird is a passage migrant, and not an African, that saying though
African and Eurasian Scops are identical in the field. Eurasian has
longer primaries and this projects further along  the tail. Whilst a
superb image this cannot be seen.

If there were a points system for evidence on this birds
identification, I think it would heavily favor Eurasian.
Best for now

On 11/5/13, Wanyoike Wamiti <> wrote:
> Dear Birders,
> I am pleased to share this record with you of what looks like an Eurasian
> Scops-Owl (see attached image for confirmation). Alternative thoughts
> welcome.
> *Date*: 2nd Nov. 2013
> *Locality*: Mwiki, Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya.
> *Habitat*: perched on an avocado tree, residential area.
> Thanks.
> Wanyoike Wamiti.