From: itai <>
Date: 2013-09-06 20:44
Subject: Kenyabirdsnet mission
Dear all,
Recently we've had many messages on the very hot topic of bird hunting in Egypt mainly. Some of us have gone one step forward with suggesting different ways to tackle the problems.
While this is a very important issue to discuss and get ideas on ways to move forward in order to solve this very burning issue, I remind you all that this list aim is "to improve the communication among Kenyan birders and others who are interested in Kenya birds... this mail list group will serve as a tool for informing members on interesting bird sightings and observations of unusual and rare birds, as well as publicizing news about birding activities to be held in the country." and as such, I would like us all to have more respect to one another when sending a message and never use offensive language to any religion, culture or sect.
I would not like to get into a position that I as a moderator have to ban members from this list.
Wish you all a very good migration season and hope that many birds will find their way into EA without being caught on the way.
Itai Shanni
Kenyabirdsnet list moderator.