From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2013-08-29 13:12

Dear All,

I have received several responses directly to this, and I was asked
why I had taken the stance to support the Birdlife Intiative is there
is one.
So I wrote back the following, to show how my own experiences and how
what is happening is scaring me to death, and why I would be
supportive of any legal measures taken to try and curb this complete
avian annihilation, and I sent the following.....

I think the “Birdlife Initiative” is just a rumour, but a lively and
controversial one. I
added my thoughts that a stronger action need be taken, and if
Birdlife has taken such intiative it should be supported. I think that
this action might stir people into having a more active involvement in
what is happening to the Eurasian migrants. It does seem a bit
hypocritical to carry on leading bird tours to these countries as if
nothing is happening. Maybe the tours should be in late August to late
September to the Mediterranean exactly where the atrocities are taking
place. I am really sickened not just what I read but what I am
experiencing here in Kenya, so I was quick to pick up on this rumour,
if that is all it is. For example ten years ago my maximum single day count of
Shrikes in Nairobi Park was 5000 Red-backs and 2000 Lesser Grey, this
year the maximum was 15 shrikes in a days total. Many migrants were
not seen this year, that used to be so regular. Others had plummeted
and Nairobi and the Rift was like a migrant Silent Spring, but Rachel
Carson never foresaw this.
I think that the situation has gone on now for too long without
obvious abatement, and too many blind eyes turned, that it is now up
to the tour operators to say enough is enough, and assist the
conservation bodies by leading the problem to an international issue instead
of an out of control domestic one. I have no idea where this idea of
Birdlifes came from other than UK, it is possible that there are many
more people out there who are ready to do a bit more.
Recent studies in Kenya have shown that bird excluded crops have
yielded 16% less food than those exposed to the open where the
insectivores (which is what nearly all migrants are) were able to do
their bit in controlling the insect pests.
So the Egyptians are going to cause a food shortage in the whole East
African region. To combat the lack of migrants more people are going
to have to turn to insecticide control, and the cheapest are the most
lethal, with the longest after life. The poisons will have an affect
on the local birds, it will get into the water systems and then we
will really be in a mess.
The countries will have to cultivate poorer soils, or destroy forest
and other natural habitats, this will require a ready supply of water
in the arid zones so more dams will be built to accommodate this. The
dams will also be centred on the major sources, and of course this
will include the Nile. The waters will flow to the Med at a much
reduced rate, and who will this affect most.... Egypt now there's
poetic justice!
How could any blue-blooded birder not support Birdlife in trying to
bring this to a head!

Best for now