From: Darcy Ogada <>
Date: 2013-08-28 02:12
Subject: Cherangany shamba birds

Dear all,

I recently spent 4 days at our farm on the lower slopes of the Cherangany's near Kachibora.  The weather was wet, wet, wet, raining most every day.  Maize was high, but not yet mature.  The birds were very active and I happily recorded some new species on this trip.  

the list of birds is as follows:
Grey crowned crane
Augur Buzzard
Long-crested Eagle
Wahlberg’s Eagle
Mountain Buzzard
Red-eyed Dove
Speckled pigeon
Brown parrot
Levaillant’s cuckoo (light morph)
Speckled mousebird
Striped kingfisher
Green wood-hoopoe
Nubian woodpecker
Pied wagtail
Plain-backed pipit
Black saw-wing
Mosque swallow
Wire-tailed swallow
Yellow-throated leaf-love
Black cuckooshrike
Common drongo
Grey-backed fiscal
Chin-spot batis –pair nest building
Pale flycatcher
White-eyed slaty flycatcher
African blue flycatcher
Ruppell’s robin-chat
Singing cisticola
Grey-backed camaroptera
Buff-bellied warbler
Yellow white-eye
Marico sunbird
Northern double-collared sunbird
Grey-headed sparrow
House sparrow
Pin-tailed whydah – males in both breeding and non-breeding plumages
Fan-tailed widowbird
Yellow bishop
Baglafecht weaver
Red-cheeked cordon bleu
Common waxbill
African citril
 Cheers, Darcy