From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2013-08-05 19:59
Subject: NAIROBI NATIONAL PARK 4th and 5th August 2013

Dear All,

NAIROBI NATIONAL PARK 4th and 5th August 2013

On the 4th August I met up with Nigel Hunter at the Main Entrance on a
cold morning, that remained cold throughout the day, and grey, gloomy
and depressing for the same amount of time. No sunlight penetrated the
cloud cover, and there were frequent very light drizzles. There was
still a Montane Nightjar flying around the car park! We were in the
Park by 6.30am and out at 5.00pm

On the 5th August I met up with Heather Elkins, Fleur Ng’Weno and
Jennifer Oduore, it was a grey morning but much brighter than the
Sunday, no rain but remained cold throughout. Again the sun did not
emerge. We were also in the Park by 6.30am, but left the area at

As this is a consecutive period, rather than write out two separate
reports, that would be covering many of the birds twice, I have
combined them only mentioning the specialities relevant to one
particular date.

On both days we could not face a gloomy morning and gave the KWS Mess
garden a miss, and neither was anything of interest recorded on either
date at Ivory Burning Site.

At Nagalomon Dam were a single Black-crowned Night Heron, two African
Darters, and three Green Sandpipers. An adult Fish Eagle was present
Sunday evening and still in the same place Monday Morning.

On Sunday we took the back road to Hyena Dam, where there were two
African Water Rails on the back swamp, as well as several calling at
Hyena Dam with one seen. Also there, was a Swamphen with a single
large chick (there were three a few weeks ago), and another Swamphen
on the other side of the dam. The Parks first Common Sandpiper of this
season flew in whilst we had coffee. There was a Little Bittern
calling angrily, but it never showed itself.