From: Felix Koimburi <>
Date: 2013-07-20 13:51
Subject: Re: [capebirdnet] Millions of Euro-African migrant birds being killed in Egypt - article

On 19 Jul 2013, at 7:28 PM, Adam Welz <> wrote:


Dear All

I've just written an article on The Guardian's website on the killing of migrant birds in Egypt, which is running out of control in the wake of that country's political turmoil. You can read it here:

I'd really appreciate it if you could spread the link around to raise awareness. The more readers the article gets on the site, the more impetus there will be to follow it up and maintain the issue in the public eye.

If you have something constructive to say, there's a comments facility under the article on the Guardian page.

The birds that are being killed en masse belong to species that many African birders enjoy in the austral summer, and it would be great if African bird organisations would reach out to the somewhat overwhelmed Egyptian colleagues to offer assistance and moral support in dealing with this difficult issue.


Adam Welz

PS Could someone forward this email to SABirdNet? This email address is no longer subscribed there.