From: James Kuria NDUNG'U <>
Date: 2013-06-20 06:29
Subject: New heronary and Barn Owls!!

Dear birders,

I hope the birding sprees are going on well, despite, the cold "winter" fronts reaching us from the South African end!

On Tuesday,18 June, 2013, I noted a new and fully established heronary. It was situated on a large and mature Yellow-barked Acacia  Acacia xanthophloea, on the northeast side of the Burma Market and next to the main entrance of the Shauri moyo Baptist Church, off Jogoo Road, Eastlands, Nairobi County. 

I conducted a tally count, and it constituted of the following species:
  1. Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis (c.12) pairs, 
  2. Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus (c.6) pairs, and 
  3. Black-headed Heron Ardea melanocephala (c.4) pairs. 
All the adults were busy preening the noisy fledglings, which, were at different stages of growth and ages.

On the same night, I spend it with a friend of mine at Makadara/Hamza, along Jogoo Road. From his balcony, I counted over c. 12 pairs of the Barn Owl. That, was well explained, when I noted a very high rodent population explosion, in the area. The owls were at home, screeching, patching on the residential buildings, despite, the African superstitious believe that owls are evil! It was good to see "Africans" co-existing well, with the feathered creatures.

As always, happy birding,
James Kuria Ndung'u
Managing Director

FRONT TRAILS SAFARIS ... taking you closer to nature
P.O Box 60903, City Square, 00200, Nairobi,
KENYA, East Africa. 

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