From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2013-04-04 08:24
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] yellow legged greenshank tsavo east np

Hi Martin,
Thanks for this, it seems to be a very late adult if still showing
indications of breeding plumage right at the end of October. I thought
they moulted into non-br dress right after arrival here. This bird
also indicates that the yellow legs, if present at the end of October,
will not change colour. Shailesh have you please got the reference
that Greenshank change leg colour to yellow when breeding. I wonder
how many other images of yellow legged Greenshanks are out there from
our region.
Best for now

On 4/3/13, Martin Odino <> wrote:
> Hello Brian et al.,
> I thought I should also share my image of a Yellow-legged Greenshank
> observed/photographed at Bunyala Rice Irrigation Scheme, western Kenya on
> 27th October 2012.
> Brgds
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Brian Finch <> wrote:
>> **
>> Dear All,
>> Just completing processing the last of the images taken on the recent
>> week trip to the coast. One more bird of interest in Tsavo East NP, in
>> between Satao and Aruba Dam was this yellow-legged Greenshank, which
>> must be at the upper end of the scale for yellow legs in this species.
>> Best to all
>> Brian