From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2013-03-11 15:42
Subject: Availibility of eBook containing Bird Sounds, Birds of East Africa

Dear All,
Thanks so much for all your support and the numerous emails that have rolled in.

To keep you up to date, this morning I was with the usual crowd in
Nairobi National Park (every Monday when I am not on safari). At
10.30am the phone rang and it was the General Manager of My Digital
Earth in South Africa. We spoke for about an hour. He was very
apologetic about all the oversights, and whilst the communication
between Bloomsbury and My Digital Earth was pretty poor they do admit
fault but the blame is shared with the Bloomsbury office.

I explained my position, he agreed that in my shoes he would have
reacted in the same fashion to protect his interest.
All details of sales to date are being sent to me. We are going to
discuss the royalty and product identification and personal
recognition. If I do not agree to the terms he will withdraw the
entire App from the market.
We are making progress and he will be phoning me again this evening
having hopefully discussed the entire issue with Bloomsbury. I would
forsee that everything should be on track within a couple of days. I
will ask him to send me the App so that I can at least effect some
quality control on the product, as this has not taken place with the
whole issue of placing the App on the market at the earliest possible.

Thanks once again for all your concerns and backing,

Best as always